Garba Shehu defends DSS over Mailafia's invitation; says N500,000 was not enough to tackle hate speech

 Garba Shehu defends DSS over Mailafia

Presidential spokesperson Garba Shehu, on Wednesday, August 19, lashed out at Nigerians who criticized the invitation of Dr Obadiah Mailafia by the Department of State Services (DSS) over his recent comment about a Northern Governor being one of the commanders of Boko Haram. 


Speaking in an interview on Channels Television’s Politics Today, Shehu insisted that the DSS made the right decision. He added that Nigerians find it difficult to adhere to the laws of the country but have become law-abiding in foreign nations.

On increment of hate speech fine from N500,000 to N5m, Garba Shehu said the former amount was not enough in tackling hate speech across the country.

